Wrap it with love - Christmas wrapping paper alternatives


Australian’s use more than 8000 tonnes of wrapping paper at Christmas - thats the equivalent of around 50,000 trees. So, if you are giving physical gifts this festive season (see What are you voting for this Christmas?’), here are some creative and waste free wrapping paper alternatives:

  1. Don’t wrap - Controversial, and possibly a bit bold to be leading with, but that’s how I’m rolling. If your gift awesome, then does it really need to be wrapped? Hand that gift over, butt naked, in all it’s glory.

  2. Reusable Tote - If you’re not into full-on preaching at your loved ones about how bad plastic bags are for the planet, perhaps their presents tucked nice and snug in a reusable tote is a slightly more subtle approach.

  3. Fabric Wrapping - for gifts going to recipients under the same roof, use what is around the house; napkins, tablecloths, tea-towels, pillowcases. For impressive fabric wrapping techniques, check out Furoshiko - the Japanese have nailed it.

  4. Use the gift - Gifts have had it way too easy for far too long. It’s time for them to flex their multitasking muscle and be gift plus wrapping. This mainly works well for fabric items, and again, Furoshiko. Depending on how creative you are feeling, you can also dabble in some towel origami.

  5. Newspaper - Extra! Extra! Read all about it! If you have some lying around, give it a second use and then recycle it. Other options can include old calendars, posters and maps.

  6. Last resort - Maybe none of the above are floating your gift wrapping boat. If old habits do indeed die hard, and you choose to buy wrapping, consider post-consumer recycled or tree-free options such as Upcyle Studio or ecoChici.

Happy wrapping!