
Welcome! I’m Mia. If you don’t want to read the whole page, the headline is:

“Kiwi living in Australia discovers she is contributing to climate change, decides to do something about it”

What Is a one Planet Lifestyle?

Simply put, it is making lifestyle choices that can be supported by just one planet. The only one we’ve got.

Brief Leaf

There are so many great solutions for people to live harmoniously with Mother Nature and Brief Leaf is my chosen channel to share these. It does exactly what it says on the label; Bite. Size. Info.

A Brief History of Me

For a long (embarrassingly long) time, I considered myself a good environmental citizen of planet Earth just by recycling and throwing my rubbish in the bin. Doing anything above and beyond this was just not on my radar.

As the years rolled by, I would scroll through articles and photos on my news feed, highlighting the destruction of our planet and think ‘that’s sad’, but I honestly didn’t think that I could do anything about it.

I then stumbled across two movements that became pivotal in my environmental awakening; Minimalism and Zero Waste Living.  At the heart of these concepts is a philosophy of living simply and intentionally.

These communities are bursting with clever and simple ways to drastically reduce environmental footprints as well as save precious time and money.

I’m on a mission to continue to make changes of my own as well help others live a more sustainable and meaningful life.

Right Now

Originally from New Zealand, you’d normally find me in Sydney, Australia. However, after taking a break from work, I’m currently travelling for a few months. Join me as I take a One Planet Lifestyle on the road (literally) and navigate the challenges and opportunities.