Green skies; 10 ways to minimise your flying footprint


Taking time off to travel the world is a dream come true for me. But, it is a big old world, and to maximise time in each place, it means travelling by air a lot of the time.

Do I feel like a hypocrite sharing ideas on how to be kinder to the planet whilst burning through gallons of fossil fuel? Absolutely. I do however believe that everyone’s environmental journey looks different, and in order for us to be truly sustainable, we need to be able to adopt habits and make choices that work for us (individually) long term.

In addition to travelling, I also live in a different country than most of my family, so not flying for me, is not an option.

There is a lot of work going into bio fuels and hopefully advancements in this space will mean a future of fossil fuel-free flying (say that 10 times fast!). However, right now air travel is in a lot of people’s lives, so here are a few things we can consider to reduce our carbon footprint when flying:

  1. Fly Less - This does seem like a cop out - and also very rich coming from me this year as I am midway through a round-the-world trip, but it is worth pointing out. We know flying is faster, but it can also be quite expensive. If you have the time, taking a road trip is not only cheaper, but you get more flexibility on the itinerary, you don’t have to go near an airport, you can car pool, and you get to stop and take in the sights along the way at your leisure. Next time you are looking for a weekend away, consider exploring closer to home.

  2. Carbon Offsets - These are now offered by most major airlines when you are booking your ticket. It varies from airline to airline, but essentially this money goes directly towards funding conservation, restoration and innovation projects to offset the carbon emissions of your flight.

  3. Less Stuff - The lighter the load, the less fuel used #maths. Travelling with carry-on not only has the major benefit of not having to wait for your luggage at the other end, but you are actually saving more fuel by not transporting a bunch of stuff. There are many seasoned travellers who travel exclusively with only carry on - I’m not there yet, but I’m a lot further along than what I was a few months ago.

  4. Travel Economy - A 2013 study conducted by the World Bank found that Business Class produces around 3 times as many emissions than what flying economy class does. Nobody is suggesting you turn down Business Class seats if you are offered them, but it is definitely food for through next time you are booking.

  5. Digital - These days, the only paper I am asked to produce at check in is my passport. Paper tickets are thing of the past. I still have my ticket confirmation digitally saved on my phone and the reference number handy, but so far I haven’t had to use it. Most airlines will even give you the option of using a digital boarding pass that you can save on your phone.

  6. Recycle - If it can be recycled, make sure it goes in the right bin. This includes your boarding pass. Where possible, favour food & drink packaged in glass or aluminium, as opposed to plastic. Glass and aluminium can be recycled infinitely without degrading their purity or quality. If you are unsure of the airlines recycling policy, you can take the empty bottle/can off the plane and put it in the recycling bin inside the terminal.

  7. BYO snacks - Who doesn’t love a good snack? Rhetorical question. Airlines are not renowned for having the tastiest of cuisines and buying food in the airport feels like extortion. By taking your own food, you get the benefit of having whatever deliciousness your heart desires (no liquids over 100ml) without the plastic hangover. Hot Tip: just make sure you eat them all before entering a new country or declare them.

  8. Reusable water bottles - Taking your empty drink bottle through airport security and filling it up with water on the other side is the oldest trick in the zero waste travel book. And oldie, but a goodie. You have convenient access to water throughout the flight, your tray table does not have to be out for the entire duration it takes you to knock back your cup of water AND (drumroll please), no single use plastic.

  9. Take your cup - The first time I used my reusable cup on a flight it was awkward, now it is second nature. I’ve not had any airline deny filling it up with hot or cold beverages. And whilst we are on the topic, bamboo cutlery is also another reusable winner - how else will you eat all those snacks you brought with you?

  10. Wrapped in plastic, how un-fantastic - Headphones and blankets on planes are notoriously wrapped in single use plastic and then thrown away. Take your own headphone and only use the blanket if you really need it, not just because it’s there.